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Visit the Gulf of Morbihan

From Quiberon to the Rhuys peninsula

bateau mer bretagne
Golfe du Morbihan

If there are exceptional bays, the Gulf of Morbihan is one. This Regional Natural Park will seduce you with its diversity of landscapes. I take you on a journey to discover this magnificent gulf between land and sea, islands and heavenly beaches where the opportunities to take beautiful photos will not be lacking. First of all a small map to guide you

carte bretagne Morbihan
Carte du golfe du Morbihan

Our journey will take us from Quiberon to the Rhuys peninsula via Carnac, Auray, Vannes, not forgetting the islands nestled in this inland sea 5 kilometers wide and 21 long where the tide rushes in through a narrow between Port Navalo and Locmariaquer So let's start with the Quiberon peninsula...I know you're going to tell me that it's not located in the Gulf of Morbihan strictly speaking...But I can't resist telling you about it all the same . After all, Quiberon Bay is already an approach to this inland sea that is the Gulf of Morbihan. Quiberon is a paradise for tourists looking for sun and fine sand. This 14 kilometer long strip of land surrounded by water from Plouharnel to the tip of Conguel will delight you.

The wild west coast where the ocean crashes will delight walkers and lovers of the big waves. The tip of Percho, the pierced white rock port arch or the beach of port Bara could be objectives for invigorating walks. On the east coast, the fine sandy beaches. Lizeau beach, Kermahe, Kerbourgnec or Vahidy among others will allow you to rest and enjoy the joys of water games. Further south, there are coasts torn by the ocean, the tip of Conguel, the beach of Kergalek and a few offshore islands swept by the winds and the spray will be the end of your trip on this peninsula.

plage quiberon
Plage de Quiberon

roche plage Quiberon bretagne
Pointe de Conguel

Let's head towards the Morbihan peninsula and stop at Carnac. These 5 beaches and its 3000 world famous menhirs could be a family destination. It was Prosper Mérimée who pushed the French state to acquire this megalithic site from 1830. A tip book your tickets on the internet, you can also buy them on site at the megaliths house for a guided tour or follow the alignments by road for a free visit

plan carnac
Plan du site de Carnac

menhir carnac alignement
Alignement de Carnac

Let's continue our journey to Auray a little further north. Nestled in the hollows of the meanders of the Auray river, this town of the same name will seduce you as soon as you arrive. Visit its perfectly preserved medieval city, its Saint Goustan port, stroll to discover the workshops and art galleries, walk through these small cobbled streets. This city is a haven of peace.

port auray bretagne
Port Saint Goustan Auray

Let's now go to Vannes before "diving" into the Gulf of Morbihan. Prefecture of Morbihan, Vannes is a port and a medieval town. Visit its ramparts and enjoy the views of the city and its French gardens. Admire its half-timbered houses, its Saint-Pierre cathedral, without forgetting its Saint-Patern district. Vannes is also a lively city, pedestrian streets, shopping, fashion boutiques or craftsmen will find their audience.

jardin rempart vannes bretagne
Jardins à la française vus des remparts

port vannes
Quai Tabarly port de Vannes

Let's leave Vannes and approach Larmor Baden on the coast of the Gulf of Morbihan. This small town will be our first stop on the gulf. Larmor Baden is a lively marina, but also an important oyster farming centre. You can visit the islands of Gravinis and Berder accessible on foot at low tide. Beaches and hiking trails will be there, but also fishing on foot or by line, windsurfing and so on...

port larmor baden bretagne
Port Larmor Baden

Let's continue our journey to the pier of Port-Blanc, departure for the Ile aux moines. The Iles aux moines, the largest island in the Gulf will allow you to escape in just 5 minutes of crossing. Scents of pines, wisteria, camellias will tickle your nostrils as soon as you arrive. You can spend some time on the Grande Plage or in one of the wildest coves on the island. You can also discover some megaliths during your walks.

plage ile aux moines morbihan
Plage du Gored

embarcadère morbihan
Pointe du Trec'h

The other large island to visit is that of Arz... Accessible from the ferry terminal of Vannes in 30 minutes. Wilder than the Ile aux moines, it is also more accessible for visits on foot. The fauna and flora are very rich there. Swimming and fine sand for lovers of lazing around or discovering dolmens in the south of the island, Pointe de Liouse on the coastal path facing the gulf on private land.

plage sable morbihan
Plage Brouhel

Let's finish our tour of the Gulf of Morbihan by the Rhuys peninsula to the south. The Rhuys peninsula forms a long arm of land which closes the gulf. You will see very beautiful beaches on the Atlantic side At Port Navalo, gateway to the Gulf of Morbihan, the current can reach up to 9 knots (17km/h) on days with a high coefficient. It is the 2nd strongest tidal current in Europe. Let's stop at the Chateau de Suscinio near Sarzeau to start. In this former secondary residence of the Dukes of Brittany you will discover medieval life and children's games will delight young and old.

chateau bretagne
Château de Suscinio

Let's end our journey with a short tour of Port Navalo. You are on the other side of the gulf facing Locmariaquer, the circle is complete... Take a dip in Kervert beach to end this journey around the Gulf of Morbihan.

plage sable morbihan
Plage de Kervert proche de Port Navalo

I hope this trip will make you want to discover the Gulf of Morbihan. I'm sure you'll bring back great memories and photos from this trip.


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