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Visit the Breton Islands - what to see?

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

From the island of Bréhat to the Ile de Sein (part 1: North Brittany)

ile Ouessant bretagne
The island of Ouessant off Finistère

This trip will take us over the islands we cross on the way from North Brittany to the tip of Brittany. There are over a thousand islands and islets off the coast of Brittany. Of course, I will not cover all these islands in this article...only the most emblematic. I chose six for this 1st part. So let's go without further delay to discover these wonders on the water... What beautiful photos in sight!! First of all a plan of situation. (source: Carte des îles bretonnes - kikoubun)

islands map breton
Map of the main Breton islands

Let's start with the Ile de Bréhat in northern Brittany, which faces Paimpol, located just 10km from the pier at the Pointe de l'Arcouest. In 10 minutes by boat you are in another world. Ile de Bréhat is the main island of this archipelago of the same name. In 1907 Bréhat was the first natural site classified in France. No car here. Travel is on foot or by bicycle. The island is 3km long and 1.5km wide. The Gulf Stream provides a microclimate and many colorful flowers grow here, hydrangea, mimosa, mulberry, eucalyptus, camellia... not to mention the agapanthus which blooms from April to September bringing a touch of mauve blue along the paths. The island is divided into 2, the "Ar Prat" bridge connects the southern part that we have just crossed and the northern part. The North is wilder, at the end of the island you will discover the Paon lighthouse facing the sea. You will also discover the history of the corsairs who lived here, Newfoundlanders, glass craftsmen settled in the old citadel... Enough to spend a good day.

plage ile bretagne
Brehat island beach

phare bréhat ile bretagne
Peacock Lighthouse

We continue further west and stop in an archipelago called "the seven islands" off Perros-Guirec. This archipelago is located barely 10 km off Perros-Guirec. You can take a boat and make an excursion of about 2 hours in the middle of these islets...with why not a stopover at the Ile aux moines, the only island where it is possible to disembark. This string of islets is unique in Europe. You can admire colonies of gannets per thousand, cormorants, puffins, little penguins...there are 27 species of nesting birds. "The 7 islands" form the most important ornithological reserve in France. You will also discover seals basking on the rocks or dolphins offshore. A word of advice, make a stopover at the Ile aux Moines and go for a walk to the lighthouse of the 7 islands and its Vauban fort. A nice walk for children who will be delighted to see hundreds of rabbits frolicking freely.

plan iles bretagne
Map of the archipelago of the 7 Islands

phare ile bretagne
7 Islands Lighthouse

ile oiseau fous de bassan bretagne
Gannets on Rouzic Island

Still further west, the Ile de Batz not far from Roscoff. This 3.5km long and 1.5km wide island has just over 500 inhabitants. You can go there by boat in a few minutes crossing. On the spot only your legs and your calves will allow you to move...Here no car...but a few tractors. Agriculture and fishing are the two activities of the inhabitants of this island. The Island benefits from the Gulf Stream and takes advantage of the mild climate to see exotic plants grow there. Fine sand beach, wetland, semaphore, moors and rocky coasts will certainly disorient you. A tip, go visit the lighthouse, 67 meters high, these 198 steps will allow you to admire the panorama as far as the eye can see.

ile batz bretagne
The Island of Batz

bateau de peche plage ile batz bretagne
Fishing boats on the beach

maison bretagne ile batz
Alley on the island of Batz

Continuing we arrive at the tip of Brittany...the Ile de Molène will be our 1st stopover. Molène is one of the islands of this archipelago. The island is barely 1.2km long and 0.8km wide...less than 200 souls live there year-round. The shortest sea route to get there is from Le Conquet (30 minutes crossing). There is only one crossing per day in the morning. This quiet island can be a good plan for those who need peace and freedom. When docking, you can complete a course in 13 stages over 4km which will take you from the semaphore to the tomb of the shipwrecked, from the church to the port, from the Calvary to Notre Dame du Bon Retour.... Take the time to sit on a bench at the port and admire the view. Children will be surprised to see rabbits walking around without fear of humans. You will also discover pretty gardens behind the stone walls.

plage bretagne
Beach at low tide

Turret (alignment landmark for sailors)

Ouessant even further offshore will be our next step. Just the name evokes tragic images in our unconscious for some or freedom for others. It is true that Ouessant is the last French island before America. Ouessant has 32km of jagged coastline. Majestic landscapes, steep cliffs, shaved vegetation, Dantesque storms and the power of the elements characterize this island. but Ouessant was also home to a hundred windmills to grind rye and barley, meadows where the famous sheep of Ouessant graze, hives that house black bees. It is also sea birds and 5 mythical lighthouses, in particular the Jument and Creac'h lighthouses. You can reach the island of Ouessant from several cities. And for the bravest who do the GR34, you will go around the island.

ville Ouessant ile bretagne
Living in Ouessant

phare jument mer bretagne
Jument lighthouse off Ouessant

côte rocher bretagne Ouessant
jagged coast

I would finish with this overview of the Breton Islands of the "North" by the Ile de sein... The Ile de Sein is located 5km from the Pointe du Raz, it is 2km long and 30 to 500m wide. Its particularity is its altitude...1.5m on average...The "nose" flush with the foam. The 250 inhabitants of this island cling as best they can to this piece of land facing the immensity of the ocean. These Ilians have always had a lot of courage... during the Second World War, almost all of the men left for England between June 24 and 26, 1940 so as not to fall under the yoke of the Nazi invader. You can of course join this island to visit it by taking a boat from Audierne for example in 45 minutes. What to do on the Ile de sein: Visit the great lighthouse of the island, the museum space, the village, the monument of the free French naval forces or go to the beach...Why not all of that at once!!

port ile de sein bretagne
Port of Ile de Sein

plage ile de sein bretagne
Fine sand beach

I hope to have made you want to visit these Islands, each one as beautiful as the other... A beautiful trip to undertake without hesitation and beautiful souvenir photos to bring back.


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