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Discover the Pays Basque

Updated: Mar 3, 2023

A country between ocean and mountain

phare ocean montagne pays basque
View of the French coast from the Fontarrabie lighthouse (Spain)

Like Corsica or Catalonia, the Pays Basque has a strong cultural identity. Proud to be Basque before being French or Spanish. The Basque language as well as certain traditions typical of this country such as for example the "Basque pelota" are elements which weld the Basques between them, recognizing themselves through a territory "astride" between France and Spain. I will mainly talk in this article about the French Pays Basque. It's time now to discover this nice trip with some good photos as a bonus The history of the Pays Basque begins in prehistory as can be seen in the caves of Isturitz and Oxocelhaya. Then came the Muslim invasion which extended to the center of France. The 9th century will see the reconquest of the lands taken by the Muslims. A leap forward brings us to the 16th century...the golden age of whaling off Newfoundland. Even today some islands have kept a Basque-sounding name. In the 19th century an administrative reorganization will eliminate the specific assemblies of the Pays Basque. 1937, the Spanish civil revolution is born then 1937 the bombardment of Guernica (painting immortalized by Picasso) will see the exile of the Spanish Basques towards the French Pays Basque.

tableau guernica picasso
Picture Guernica (Picasso)

In terms of nature, the landscapes of the Basque Country are varied and the temperatures are mild in an oceanic climate. The coast is home to seabirds such as cormorants, gulls, puffins, in the mountains you can discover black kites, common buzzards or griffon vultures. The flora is not to be outdone, moors, heather, gorse, tamarisk or eucalyptus grow from the ocean to the foot of the Pyrenees.

rapace milan noir
Black kite in flight

The French Pays Basque is divided into 3 provinces from West to East: - The Labourd - The Basse-Navarre - The Soule

plan pays basque
Plan Pays basque Français

The Labourd:

Its coastline stretches over 50 kilometers from Hendaye to Anglet. Bayonne is the capital of this province. The most famous seaside resorts such as Biarritz, Anglet, Bidard, Guéthary, St Jean de Luz, or Hendaye will enchant you... It's hard to make a choice when planning this holiday. The hinterland is not to be outdone, you can discover typical villages with houses (labourdines) of red and green colors where peppers dry in the sun. The villages of Espelette, Ascain, Sare or Ainhoa ​​are scattered in the middle of hilly and green landscapes. Many specialties await you there, passing from the famous Bayonne ham to chocolate entered Europe through the Basque ports, but also spots known worldwide by surfers, without forgetting the many campsites.

piment espelette pays basque
Peppers drying on the facades

The Basse-Navarre:

The landscapes are different from the province of Labourd, whether near St Jean de pied de Port or further north near Labastide Clairence. Mountainous landscapes for the first, more hilly for the second. St Jean de pied de Port sees thousands of pilgrims leaving for Santiago de Compostela every year It is in this province that you will find rural villages, quiet and authentic. Do not hesitate to visit these villages on foot. Also to be discovered in Lower Navarre is the Irouleguy vineyard cultivated on terraces. This vineyard is located in more than fifteen municipalities near St Etienne de Baïgorry Another curiosity of this territory, "the Pottoks", small horses which were used for agricultural work before... today they are in semi freedom in the mountains near Artzamendi or the Rhune to the West of the Pyrenean chain, some of them are bred for tourist walks. Finally, you cannot miss the caves of Isturitz and Oxocelhaya, rich in rock art and classified as historical monuments.

cheval pottok pays basque
Pottok in the Pyrenees

The Soule:

Just like Basse-Navarre, Soule is divided into 2 parts. To the north of the wooded hills, to the south the mountain. La Soule is the smallest of the 7 provinces of the Basque Country. It is known by hikers for these wild landscapes. Pastoral region of sheep farms, its Ossau Iraty AOC cheese is known to all (to taste with a spoon of black cherry jam from Itxassou :) ) This province is not stingy with festivals and traditional Basque dancing. You can see the dancers twirling with the traditional "espadrille" of Mauléon-Licharre at their feet.

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Espadrille (Nicole Paries)

I hope to have made you want to visit the Basque Country, whether for idleness near the beaches or for nature and traditions in the hinterland. I wish you a good trip and good photos in this territory straddling two countries.


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