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To visit Ajaccio

Updated: Nov 16, 2022

Ajaccio first cruise stop in Corsica

plage soleil palmier ajaccio
Plage d'Ajaccio

Ajaccio due to its location has always attracted people, as evidenced by the Neolithic traces found in the surroundings on the heights of the current city. The city proper was built by the Romans in the 2nd century. But it was from 1492 that the Genoese really gave a new impetus to Ajaccio by building a castle there on the peninsula where the current citadel is located. The castle was transformed into a citadel in the 16th century at the same time as the construction of religious buildings (cathedral, churches...). The city grew around this castle.

In 1801 Bonaparte prepared an extension plan and embellished the city. The current place de Gaulle formerly place Bonaparte was inaugurated in 1802 Ajaccio will not stop growing throughout the 19th century. But enlargement and embellishment do not mean equality between the Ajacciens...the difference between the poor and the rich was glaring...charitable works will be created...The "resto du cœurs avant l'heure".

This city makes me want to travel and take pictures So here I am off by train from Vizzavona to Ajaccio. My return tickets in my pocket (14 euros). The trip takes 1 hour 10 minutes. Time to take some pictures of the Corsican mountain through the windows.

I finally arrive in Ajaccio. I decide to go along the port in order to go to the beaches. I take the Quai de la République. Plan ajaccio to come

On my left the maritime station and these ferries which await their travelers for Marseilles or Toulon. After a few hundred meters here I am in front of the recently inaugurated covered market. The smells of good local Corsican products mingle... All this makes me hungry :)

halle marché Ajaccio
Halle du marché Ajaccio

I continue on my way and turn right on rue A.Sérafini. A few benches re

ach out to me for a short break in the shade allowing me to admire the Ajaccio Town Hall

maison de maitre, mairie, Ajaccio, rue passante
Hôtel de ville d'Ajaccio

It's time to leave, I continue rue A.Sérafini to Place Foch 200m further on where the statue of Bonaparte as the Roman Consul stands in the middle of a small square.

statue Bonaparte, square, ville
Bonaparte en Consul Romain Place Foch

I continue straight on Avenue de Paris. Here I am at last at Place de Gaulle. A huge square nicely paved. Palm trees of a good height remind us that we are in the south. In the distance the monument dedicated to Napoleon and his brothers looks at the city of Ajaccienne.

grande place, mer ,statue
Place de Gaulle
place de gaulle ajaccio
Place de Gaulle

Behind them the azure blue sea and its beach Saint François rue P.Rossini

plage, mer bleu, ajaccio
Plage Saint François

I decide to go down to the beach via rue Forcioli Conti in order to pass in front of the Sainte Maria Assunta Cathedral. She is really very beautiful with these warm colors. I can't help stepping inside. It is perfectly restored, the light is magical.

cathedrale ajaccio
Cathédrale Sainte Maria Assunta

intérieur cathédrale, ajaccio
Intérieur de la Cathédrale Sainte Maria Assunta

Then after this visit, I walk along the beach to the Citadel

plage ajaccio
Plage d'Ajaccio

At the end of the beach, the Citadel...I've been a little too lazy on the I don't have time to visit it anymore. Take my advice, look at this site to guide you

plage, citadelle, ajaccio
Plage au bout de la Citadelle

So I go down the boulevard D.Casanova to the marina of Ajaccio. All along, brasseries, restaurants, cafes await you to eat or quench your thirst after this day's walk.

port de plaisance , ajaccio, bateau port
Port de plaisance

A few meters lower and I'm back on avenue Sérafini, another break under the palm trees in front of the town hall, and I resume my walk towards the station. The train is waiting for me for my return to Vizzavona A beautiful day, I do not regret my trip to Ajaccio which allowed me to discover this magnificent city and to take some beautiful photos. I hope my advice will be useful for your next visit.


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