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My GR20 in Corse at the dawn of retirement

Updated: Nov 16, 2022

An incredible challenge from North to South: From Vizzavona to Conca (2nd part)

soleil rouge montagne ciel bleu corse
Lever de soleil sur la montagne Corse

The morning rises once again on the GR20 with breathtaking colors. This 13th stage will take us from the Usciolu refuge to the Matalza refuge, a short stage (4h30, 11kms) which will allow us tomorrow to cross the Cuscionu plateau. In 2013, the GR20 integrated this plateau into its route. This day will make us travel again, with beautiful photos in perspective. Here we go... not too early for once, we have time. This stage begins with a slight climb up to an altitude of 1786m.

rocher, sentier gr20 montagne
Petite montée à travers les roches

Then we follow the ridge to the south, well above the tree line. The path is pleasant and "rolling" which leaves time to stroll and take some photos. We continue to climb gently up to 1836m, the highest point of our day.

We pass a few rocks that seem to hold their balance miraculously...this trip surprises us every day.

rocher montagne
Rocher suspendu

We descend towards a small forest of dwarf beech trees, then we cross a larger depression, still in the middle of the beech trees...Here we are again down to 1570m. We continue to descend steadily to arrive at a place called U Tignuseddu. (1376m). We cross the ford of the Veraculoncu stream, follow the bank in the middle of the ferns (be careful not to lose track of the GR).

ruisseau arbre foret

Here we are at the Basseta sheepfold, we decide to go as planned to the Matalza refuge about 30 minutes away. The Bergerie de Basseta is also very good according to other hikers we met later... It is a possible option to consider. We choose to cross the D 428 towards the south and continue towards the chapel of San Petru. Then the path rises in a beech grove which leads to the Matalza refuge...point of departure for this night.

vaches montagne
Troupeau de vaches

A herd of cows awaits us on the other side of the path. The refuge is being renovated, the "owner" is friendly and humorous, he doesn't hesitate to give us a tour of the premises...It feels good after a day's walk. Tomorrow we will cross the plateau of Cuscionu, I'm sure the trip will be worth it...surely some beautiful pictures to take.

Fourteenth morning on this GR....dismantling the tent, redoing the backpack, having a quick lunch...a ritual that we have mastered well after all this time spent in nature. We are leaving for a stage which will also be short (4h15 and 10kms) will prove to be more complicated than the day before, especially at the end. For the time being, we leave quietly, follow the path slightly uphill, cross a ford to follow the stream on the right bank, cross some pozzines and a forest of beech trees. The I Crocci sheepfold is not far (located 45 minutes after Matalza) After the sheepfold, the trail climbs towards the south towards the ridge of Punta Tuzzaredda, we follow the ridge. Then the GR continues to climb up to more than 2000m to reach the Bocca Stazzunara.

montagne rochers GR20
Sur les pentes du GR20

As I said in a previous post on the GR20, the southern part is not that easy. Arrived at the top we begin the descent towards the refuge of Asinau. A very steep descent in laces where it is difficult to follow the tracks of the GR. It takes a little intuition and a lot of caution, that will be my travel advice for this Post. We finally arrive at the refuge that we saw from the beginning of this descent.

refuge tente montagne rocher GR20
Refuge d'Asinau

Don't arrive too late, places are expensive, and the best locations are quickly taken. But what a view once again !!!

vallée belle vue montagne ciel bleu
Vue depuis le refuge d'Asinau

This GR will have really spoiled us with these fabulous landscapes In my next post you will discover the rest of this adventure. Another trip, other stunning photos


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